Gettysburg 160th Anniversary

Regular readers will recall that last year a group of locals embarked on re-fighting several American Civil War engagements to mark the 160th anniversary. In all we re-fought six battles in the east. This year we have continued the exercise and plan to play a more manageable three. We have, at the time of writing this post, completed the second anniversary battle for 2023, this being the Battle of Gettysburg.

Our refight of Gettysburg using 6mm miniatures

Not surprisingly this was the largest ACW game in the series, as expected it produced a first class game. Some 2,400 6mm miniatures were set to be deployed on the table providing something of a spectacle. I have written a photo report of the battle which I hope captures the evolving battle as forces arrive and are progressively committed to action. You can find the report here. To supplement this more traditional account I have also produced a video which summarises the action. If you are interested in watching this short YouTube report you can find it here.

For those interested in our first Civil War 160th anniversary battle report of 2023 a summary of our Champion Hill engagement can be found here. This battle, often overlooked, had a significant impact on the war and always produces a fascinating engagement.

Stay tuned for news on the next 160th anniversary engagement. I’m rather looking forward to this one…