My Armies

Volley & Bayonet is scale agnostic, meaning that you can use any scale of miniature with the rules. I enjoy Volley & Bayonet games that use miniatures ranging from from 2mm to 25mm. However, all my Volley & Bayonet armies are in 6mm. Many of my own miniatures can be seen in the various game reports posted on this site and my “On Campaign with Volley & Bayonet” blog. This is perhaps the best place to view them.

However, progressively I hope to add a selection of short articles exploring the armies I have painted. My aim being to provide additional background for those interested.

Initially we have the following.

The Austrian Army of the Seven Years War

A short photo report of one of my recent projects, the forming of an Austrian Army for the Seven Years War in 6mm. The first part, of what I hope will be a short series, can be found here.

The Hundred Days Campaign in 6mm

A defining campaign of Napoleonic Wars the Hundred Days continues to draw much interest from wargamers and historians. Here I provide a short selection of posts provide some background on my own Hundred Days Project. The first article explores building my French forces in 6mm. The second looks briefly at Wellington’s Anglo-Allied army in 6mm.